Not a far walk from the main zócalo in Centro Histórico, this Spanish-style tapas bar/restaurant is also a small publishing house. Located on a quiet street that is closed off to traffic, it is a great place to meet other creative types, or at least it has been for me the handful of times I’ve stopped in. So far the menu items that I've tried here haven't been anything to write home about but the eclectic decor and vibrant atmosphere make it worthwhile to stop in for a drink or two. Make sure to check out the sculpture garden that’s just up the street from the front entrance.
Hostería La Bota / Centro Histórico, Mexico City / ©2017 Melody Jean Moulton
Hosteria La Bota / Centro Histórico, Mexico City / ©2017 Melody Jean Moultoí
Sculpture Garden / Centro Histórico, Mexico City / ©2019 Melody Jean Moulton
Sculpture Garden / Centro Histórico, Mexico City / ©2019 Melody Jean Moulton